Christophe Pettus introduces PostgreSQL at PyCon 2014 in a really good talk from administration to usage. Keine verwandten Artikel gefunden.
Teamspeak 3 on Elementary OS 0.3
Today I’m pushing out a lot of posts, this time about „Howto install Teamspeak 3 on Elementary OS 0.3“. Go to and grab the client either x86 (32bit) or amd64 (64bit) Open Terminal and go to the folder you downloaded the client to. On my PC it looked like this: benjamin@BensTux:~$ cd Downloads/ benjamin@BensTux:~/Downloads$ chmod +x […]
Installing Eclipse IDE on Elementary OS 0.3
Hey there, until yesterday I used Ubuntu, but Unity was not my thing, now I’m using Elementary OS 0.3 beta1 and need to get my stuff working again. Luckily since the base of both systems is the same, it is fairly easy and alot of guides for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS work just fine :). Prepare […]
Stuttering Sound Logitech G35, with Solution!
Hi Folks, I had a very very wierd problem lately, sound stuttering on my Logitech G35 Headset. It was so bad that I was not able to play games, couse everytime when the sound stuttered the framerate drop to nearly zero. My first thought was „I spammed my PC with lots of useless Programms, so […]
Gentoo, Udev und die Netzwerkkarte
Ich habs erst nicht gerafft, aber seit der Version >194 von Udev gibt es das ehemalige Namensschema nicht mehr… ABER hey easy, einfach das neue nutzten! Im Rescuesystem meines Server (war gerade Grub2 am reparieren) habe ich mich auch diesem lange vor mir hergeschobenem Problem gewidmet. Wenn man faul ist und wissen will wie die […]
Grub2 Trouble
Ich habe auf meinem Rootserver ein Software Raid1 mit LVM2 Volumes. Nach einem Update von Kernel und Grub2 wollte ich Grub2 wie gewohnt auf den Partitionen /dev/sda und /dev/sdb via grub2-install einrichten aber siehe da, nichts da! /usr/sbin/grub2-bios-setup: warning: your core.img is unusually large. It won’t fit in the embedding area. /usr/sbin/grub2-bios-setup: error: embedding is […]
Windows 8.1 N and Android 4.4 KitKat
After years of using my old iPhone 3G it was time to get a new phone, the Nexus 5. But with all things new there are some troubles. Firstly Android is totally unknown to me and secondly how do I get windows to recognize the new phone. As stated in the Heading, I’m using Windows […]
Windows Server 2012 R2 installation in KVM
Installing Windows Server 2012 R2 is very strait forward when using KVM. The biggest trouble I had was that the disk space was not allocated properly when creating the Virtualmachine, but otherwise there has been no hacking. Read the full article for further explanations.
Create Certificates for libvirt TLS
In order to generate the needed certificates one can either use the gnutls utils, like proposed on the libvirt homepage or use openssl, like I did. The following script was written to ease the creation of the certificates. It will create and copy the certificates to the appropriate place for libvirt to use with default […]
Cross compiling for Raspberry Pi in Windows 8
Lots of info about Cross-Compiler can be found here So lets start with building the toolchain for building Raspberry Pi applications with crosstool-ng and the GNU Compiler. Preperations In order to compile crosstool-ng we need to install some packages in cygwin first. Run setup.exe and install the following packages gcc make bison flex gperf […]